WP Time Management

WordCamp Portland 2018

At my job as a web developer at GreenBananaSEO, the senior web developer (without notice) left the company due to stress. It was now up to me to take on his work and lead the web department. My time management skills were put to the test in order to become the most productive web developer I can possibly be.

The first half of the lesson will be the tips & tricks learned from the popular time-management books ‘Getting Things Done’ by David Allen and ‘Eat That Frog’ by Brian Tracy. These tips & tricks can be used by anybody – bloggers, designers, developers, and more.

The second half of the lesson will be how I implemented time management in WordPress development: task management, web maintenance, web development, theme development, plugin use & recommendations, launching sites, creating your own checklists, and more.

All of this in order to increase productivity while continuing to build quality sites.
